About us
Clothing Please has implemented initiatives that helps the community and you. We are A For-Profit Company with A Non-For Profit strategy. Today, our environment in Western Australia clothing recycle mission is funded primarily by World of E'Co. We are proud sponsors of charities from our initiatives. We have significantly reduce carbon foot print and recycle tons of clothing from ending up in landfill. We take great pride in our work, saving the environment, assisting families in need doing it tough in Western Australia.
Clothing Please Initiatives
Clothing Please is an initiative driven and powered by World of E'Co, an Environmentally Concerned Organisation.
We collect used clothing that you don't need anymore, recycle them and give the good ones away for free. These recycled clothing and sundries are given to any genuine person in Western Australia in need through our E’Co Pay it Forward Initiative
Our process does not only support families in need but also reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfill.
We do not want or get donations or grants, we run it as a business so it is sustainable for our future generations.
With you we can achieve zero landfill.
Educate our children, help genuine people on a free of charge basis with whatever they lack.
Created jobs and most importantly help save our future environment by fighting climate change today through recycling.

36,7 Kg Millions of Textile diverted from Landfill
1,1 Billion Kg Of Co2 Off Our Environment
Saved $7,12 Million For The Australia Government
Supported Charities With Over $10M Worth Of Sales
Give aways
Do you have items to recycle?
Don't throw them away because you have no use for them anymore, they are of great need to those who cannot afford it. Toys, Bric a Brac, Furniture can be recycled and given to new families, reach out to us and also to E’Co Pay It Forward, so that we can give these items a second home, your actions goes a long way to put a smile on someone miles away. We have been the boots on the ground for over 40 years with zero waste.
What we want are Men’s, Ladies & Children’s Clothing, Paired Shoes, Handbags, Belts, Hats, Caps & Accessories
What we need
We are looking for sites to place our Recycling Drop Boxes
People can’t be part of the solution until they’re aware of the problem, we are working to make everyone aware that recycling is the best approach to sustain our environment. Our job is to help people understand the causes of allowing clothing end up in landfill when it can be reused to help those in need among other purposes.
Our entire process chain is environmentally and socially responsible with our environment first in mind.
We are looking for sites to put and service our facilities if you have a piece of land with public access then we would love to hear from you.
E’Co are installing solar cameras to keep surveillance of our sites to ensure we catch anyone stealing the clothing you gave for recycle or dumping rubbish.
Join us & together we can
stop clothing landfill pollution, we recycle them
Land pollution destroys our environment.
We can stop it from getting worst by working together to save our environment and protect our future.
We provide pick up for large quantity of your used clothing. Reach out to us for pick up.