Partner with us today
If you are looking for a textile recycle organisation that approaches zero landfill records. Saves millions of kilos of carbon dioxide each week. Creates jobs for Australian Families. Gives (free of charge) clothing, food and necessities away to anyone in need (Terms & Conditions apply). We have created thousands of jobs in Africa over many years so people can become independent and not rely on Charity. Then you have come to the right place.
Zero Trash
Climate change is real & its moving fast
Any support for climate change is fantastic but even just one bag of old clothes given to Clothing Please goes a long way in saving our environment and providing to those in need.
The process never ends as we all continue in our habits with daily consumption, replacing old with new.
With these 4 steps below we can.
No waste
Zero Landfill.
No trash is buried into the ground but recycled for re-use.
Supporting others
Clothing given Freely to genuine people in Western Australia who needs assistance.
Jobs creation
Creating jobs in Western Australia not in the Eastern States.
Recycling your old clothes makes a massive impact on reducing Co2 gasses and helps save Climate Change.

Be a part of saving our environment
We are calling on you and any of your environmentally friendly friends, schools, teachers, fundraisers, charities, corporate and businesses, councils and the government to join us and do your part for Climate Change.
By working together as one we can achieve zero landfill,
educate our children, continue to help genuine people on a Free of Charge basis, create jobs both here and overseas and most importantly help save our future environment by fighting Climate Change today.
Join us
There is simply no excuse anymore. Sorry no more excuses!
We can recycle 100% of all clothing, shoes, handbags and manchester you give us. We do not landfill any of it here or in our partner countries. All the profits we re-invest into more future environmental and recycling initiatives.

Work with Councils, Governments, and other businesses to add real meaning to government, corporate and social responsibilities. We help and encourage them to think about the bigger picture! YOURS, YOUR KIDS and OUR ENVIRONMENT.

We work with Other Charities as Partners
- Buying surplus clothing they would otherwise landfill.
- Help set up their own recycling plants.
- Charities refer their clients to us at E’Co PIF if they cannot help them.

Work with teachers and schools in 2 Ways:
- To raise money for them to use freely to help our children while at school.
- Supply Environmentally Friendly Teaching aids.
- Clothing Please is a World of E'Co Initiative. Its dedicated to the environment and recycling in practical ways and a believer in sharing in humanity.

We offer out our hand of friendship and cooperation to Fundraisers who want to raise funds for their cause in a moral and ethical way offering sustainability.

We offer out our hand of friendship and cooperation to any other Government body, Organisation, the Media or interested person who value the importance of saving our future generation’s environment and want the reality of what we are doing wrong and how to turn it around.
Join us & together we can
stop clothing landfill pollution, we recycle them
Land pollution destroys our environment.
We can stop it from getting worst by working together to save our environment and protect our future.
We provide pick up for large quantity of your used clothing. Reach out to us for pick up.